Chicago Showroom
2024 Virtual Tour


Showroom Overview

Laris Lounge, Pirra Lounge, Hado Occasional Table

Soa Tandem with Outset Occasional Tables

Stash Collection

Hexadecimal Planters

Flipside Modular Benches

Avelina Meeting Tables, Hoom Stools

Flipside Modular Benches

Showroom Overview

Plumeya Lounge, Outset Occasional Table

Lineup Occasional Tables, Mayland Lounge

Lineup Occasional Tables, Mayland Guest & Lounge

Showroom Entry

Showroom, Outside View

Trove Chairs & Cromo Tables

Trove Nesting Chairs & Cromo Table

Lineup Meeting Table, Pepa Guest

Lineup Meeting Table, Pepa Guest

Delen Meeting Tables, Plumeya Conference, Cross Contour Planter

Savina Modular, Savina Occasional Table

Showroom Overview

Showroom Overview

Soa Guest and Bariatric with Outset Occasional Table

Savina Occasional Table, Soa Guest & Tandem

Soa Guest & Tandem

Sunny & Stash Collections

Hospitality Bar View

Conduit Meeting Table with Hoom Stools

Arcadia Showroom Overview

Arcadia Sign

Arcadia Showroom Entrance

Lineup Meeting Space and Occasional Table

Lineup Meeting Space, Occasional Tables and Planters

Lineup Planters

Mayland Guest Chairs with Lineup Meeting Table

Lineup Lounge and Planters

Lineup High-Back with Intima Pull-up Table

Flipside Stand-Alone Bench, Black Frame Finish

Flipside Stand-Alone Bench, White Frame Finish

Conduit Meeting Table with Hoom Stools

Arcadia Showroom

Arcadia Showroom Overview

Laris Lounge, Pirra Lounge, Arcadia Showroom Overview

Arcadia Bubble Sculpture and Sign